But then again i thought where would i be? How would i live and thrive without my love for the fashion industry?
And then i realised it is not the dreams that are the outcome of situations, it is the people who strive for them. I truly believe with all my heart that if you work hard for something (whether its 20 years or 20 seconds) and put your best foot forward you will be successful. No one said it would be easy and of course not everyone is going to like you but hey life is life. No one on this planet earth will tell you rich or poor they don't have issues they deal with everyday. some less then others but, the ones who survive and go on are the very ones who struggle and surpass obstacles to accomplish their goals.
I am a realist but i do believe that anything is possible. To all the dream-killers out there....i hope you realise the only person you are hurting is yourself. The very ones you hate will be motivated by your hurtful words to follow their dreams and become successful. you might even end up working for them because you were too caught up in their dreams that, you had no time for your very own. Never underestimate an individual and go hard or don't do it at all! if it is that important to you, not even the harsh reality of failure couldn't stop you. always be smart and stay blessed guys. I'm sure there is a well deserved round of applause and flashing lights dedicated just for all of you.